Many folks aren’t aware of a wonderful East Tennessee non-profit group dedicated to helping refugees resettle in our area. The Bridge Refugee Services
has been showing consistent and active compassion in reaching out to those in times of stress.
RFS serves refugees coming to East Tennessee by facilitating the resettlement of those who had fled their homeland due to fear of persecution. People from places as far away as Liberia, Iraq, and Moldova come to the East Tennessee region looking for safety and hope; since the early 1980s, BRS has worked hard to make their desires a reality by opening paths to housing, jobs, and education.
McLain’s Painting was made aware of the heartfelt service of BRS and had the privilege of recently helping them by teaming up with the InAsMuch United Knoxville volunteers to prep and paint the walls at the Bridge Refugee offices. The office walls were years overdue in getting a fresh look, so the McLain painters rolled up their sleeves and volunteered valuable time in adding two coats of paint to the office walls.
Sherwin Williams generously donated 15 gallons of paint and material for the McLain’s workers to use. Now the Bridge Refugee Services offices sport a warm and welcoming tone of blue!
This is just another way of realizing Charles McLain’s heart for the community … and beyond. His company is dedicated to being more than a mere organization in the region; they want to be a vibrant part of the community family, especially regarding those in need. Blessings upon BRS, InAsMuch United Knoxville’s volunteers, and McLains workers for caring and sharing.
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